Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)

  • Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth is a reading and math assessment taken by students in kindergarten through eighth grade. It measures a student's proficiency in those subjects, as well as their academic growth during the school year.

    MAP tests are given to students in grades 1-8 in the fall (August-September), winter (January), and spring (May). Students in kindergarten are given the MAP tests in the winter and spring.

    MAP tests are linked to the CCSD 89 curriculum through their standards and benchmarks for each subject and grade level. MAP tests are unique because they adapt to your child’s level of learning. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next one is easier. (In an optimal test, a student answers approximately half the items correctly and half incorrectly.) This results in a detailed picture of what your child knows and is ready to learn—whether it is on, above, or below his/her grade level. The final score is an estimate of the student’s achievement level. Parents will receive their child's MAP test results after each testing period.

    Students do not prepare for the MAP tests, nor are the results used for grading purposes. Teachers use MAP results, along with classroom performance and other assessment information, to make appropriate instructional decisions for each student. Students receive an individual score, called a RIT score. Individual growth goals are then developed for each student based on his/her performance. By individualizing for each student, teachers are able to optimize learning and ensure every student is making progress. 

    What can a parent/guardian do to help their student prepare?

    Parents cannot help their students prepare for the questions that will be on the MAP tests. The most important thing a parent can do is make sure their student gets a good night's sleep before the test and have a healthy breakfast that morning.

    More information

    Please feel free to contact your child's teacher and/or principal if you have any questions.  Further information is available in the links provided below.