Questions, comments

  • You can contact Community Consolidated School District 89 at or (630) 545-3581

Referendum results

  • Election results

    Votes in favor of the CCSD 89 referendum: 5,022 votes (51.74%)

    Votes against the CCSD 89 referendum:     4,685 votes (48.26%)

    The referendum passed.

    Thank you graphic

    Thank you. Thank you for supporting our students. Thank you for trusting our school district. Thank you for taking the time to participate in yesterday's election.

    As you may know, the election results show that voters have approved the Community Consolidated School District 89. This means we will be able to maintain the programming that has helped our students excel. The staff members of CCSD 89 appreciate that the community has such high standards for our young learners.

    I know hundreds of people worked on this referendum issue, whether it was walking door to door, attending forums, taking surveys, or examining the district's finances and plans. All of it was appreciated.

    I also realize that the referendum's approval comes with a financial sacrifice for many of our families. We are committed to honoring your contribution by continuing to look for ways to cut costs, save money, and reduce the tax burden for our residents. We will continue our tradition of fiscal responsibility to make this referendum last as long as possible.

    CCSD 89 first began talking about a referendum in 2011. This was a long journey and one I'm glad we made together. The district remains committed to delivering high-quality education, protecting taxpayer resources, listening to our residents, and empowering young learners.

    Thank you for all that you do - and have always done - to support the students of Community Consolidated School District 89.

    Dr. Emily K. Tammaru

    Community Consolidated School District 89

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