Preschool pre-registration

  • CCSD 89 offers a preschool program for 3- and 4-year-old children. The program, located at Briar Glen Elementary School, features a developmentally appropriate curriculum delivered by certified early childhood educators. Limited openings are available for 3- and 4-year-old children who live in the CCSD 89 attendance area. For more information on CCSD 89 preschool, please visit the preschool webpage

    2025-26 preschool

    Families who want their child to attend preschool in the 2025-26 school year can fill out a preschool application starting at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, January 15. 

    2025-26 preschool pre-registration


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    In order to enroll in the 2025-26 CCSD 89 preschool, parents should have:

    2024-25 preschool

    Open pre-registration for tuition preschool in the 2024-25 school year has now ended. Please contact Jennifer Whitehead at or (630) 545-3300 to inquire about existing openings. 

    Submitting age and residency documents

    Families who complete the pre-registration form must make an appointment to submit the following documents in person at Briar Glen Elementary (1800 Briarcliffe Boulevard, Wheaton):

    • An original birth certificate (not a photocopy)
    • The following residency documents:
      • CATEGORY ONE (one item): Current mortgage statement; signed lease agreement; real estate tax bill; or an affidavit from a local resident who attests to the registrant living with them at no cost (more information about those submitting an affidavit is available here)
      • CATEGORY TWO (two items): Current electric, gas, or water bill; driver's license; home/rental insurance papers; auto registration; voter registration

    You can schedule a time to submit the birth certificate and residency documents using this form or by contacting CCSD 89 preschool administrative assistant Jennifer Whitehead at or (630) 545-3304.

    Completing registration

    In February, families selected in the initial placement will be notified by email with information on how to complete registration for the 2025-26 school year. Families not selected will be placed on a waitlist. If a spot opens up on the preschool waitlist, families will be contacted in the order they submitted pre-registration.

    Preschool enrollment can be completed when registration opens to all new and returning families on April 9. Families will receive a letter in the mail with a unique ‘SnapCode’ to complete registration. More information about April registration:

    Cost of preschool

    The tuition for the 2025-26 school year will be $430 each month. The monthly tuition for the 2025-26 school year will be $430. An invoice for a one-time registration fee of $160 ($75 registration fee, $50 snack/milk fee, and $35 technology fee) will be sent prior to the start of the new school year. 

    The district offers tuition-free preschool to some families through the Preschool for All grant. The grant provides funding for free preschool to families who demonstrate needs related to income, housing, cultural/linguistic, or social/health factors.  If you would like to be considered, you must complete the Preschool for All eligibility form.

    A follow-up interview will be conducted by CCSD 89 staff and some additional documentation may be needed. For more information about tuition-free preschool, please contact Jennifer Whitehead at (630) 545-3304.