Welcome to CCSD 89!

  • We are excited to have your student and your family join our district! Which sentence best describes you?

  • Important registration dates

    February 2025: Registration for kindergarten students who will be new to the district in the 2025-26 school year will open.

    March 2025: “Snapcodes” that are used to register students will be sent via U.S. mail.

    April 2025: Registration for returning students will open.

    CCSD 89 student registration is provided by PowerSchool Enrollment. PowerSchool Enrollment registration is secure and available from any Internet connection. 

    Parents/guardians without internet access may register online at their school building or at the district office. Please call in advance to set up an appointment. 

    Your child’s enrollment will not be guaranteed until the entire registration process has been completed and submitted.

    Once you have submitted your online information, any additions or changes need to be communicated to your child’s school office.

    Please submit all required physical, dental and vision forms to your child’s school. 

    Residency verification

    Residency verification for students new to CCSD 89 is available from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at District Office, 22W600 Butterfield Road, Glen Ellyn.

    For more information about registration, contact Barb Kosartes at (630) 545-3514 or bkosartes@ccsd89.org.