Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA)

  • Schools use a wide range of beneficial online technologies that can supplement classroom instruction, monitor student progress, and track student data. These technologies can help enrich a student's educational experience and customize their learning.

    At the same time, Community Consolidated School District 89 is committed to ensuring that student data is protected within the district and by any vendors working with our schools.

    The district shares student data only with vendors that contribute to student's educational success. For instance, student scores are shared with the Measurement for Academic Progress (MAP) so that student data may be compiled. However, any company that works with CCSD 89 must first enter into a Data Privacy Agreement with the district. These agreements outline what data is collected, how that data is protected, what the company can and cannot do with that data, and what the company will do if there is a data breach. 

    What is the Student Online Personal Protection Act?

    The Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA) took effect July 1, 2021. It requires that the district provide additional information to families about student data privacy. For instance, it requires that the district will send a notification to families about any data breach that involves 10 percent or more of the district's students. CCSD 89 families can request to review and correct any information maintained by the district or any online application provider by filing a technology ticket at:

    You can learn more in the CCSD 89 Student/Parent Handbook, or through the links included below.

Learn more about student online protection

  • About the Children's Online Protection Privacy Rule

  • About the Family and Educational Rights Privacy Act

  • About the Student Online Personal Protection Act