
  • We have over 1,000 titles available in eBook format. When searching our catalog, books listed with an eBook symbol or sora symbolunder the title are eBooks.  

    Directions for Accessing eBooks   

    1. Click here to browse our ebook collection

     sora screen

    2. Click here for directions on how to find and read an eBook.

    eBooks are checked out for 3 weeks.  At the end of the 3 weeks, they will “disappear” off your device. In most cases, if you have not yet finished the book, you can check it out again.

     eBook Age appropriateness

    Our library has a collection that serves 10-15 year olds and we strive to offer a wide range of reading choices for our students. At school we limit some titles to 8th grade-only checkout based on their content. However, we are unable to monitor eBook checkouts downloaded at home.