- Westfield Elementary School
- Westfield PTC homepage
Welcome to the Westfield PTC!
What is the PTC?
We’re an organization consisting of parents and teachers who volunteer their time to benefit the children at Westfield Elementary by promoting educational, social, and charitable activities. We hold monthly meetings for members to discuss PTC events, and for Committee Chairpersons to report on progress for upcoming events. The PTC communicates to parents through the PTC Section of the WWW (Westfield Wildcat Weekly), sent out every week by the school principal, as well as through our Facebook page and this website! You can also e-mail us at westfieldptc@gmail.com.
Who is on the PTC?
The PTC consists of its General Membership, an Executive Board, and Board.
The General Membership consists of all the Westfield families who pay the $5 membership fee during registration, as well as all staff. Members are entitled to introduce motions, place items on the agenda and join the discussion during all PTC meetings. All members are entitled to vote during the two General Membership meetings in October (to approve the budget) and April (to vote on Executive Board nominations).
The Executive Board consists of five officials elected for a two-year term:
- Co-Presidents
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
The Board consists of all the Committee Chairpersons, two teacher representatives, and the school principal. The Committee Members are responsible for all aspects of their committee and are entitled to vote at all PTC meetings.
What is our budget, and how do we spend it?
The Executive Board prepares the budget and presents it to the General Membership for approval in October. We have an annual budget of approximately $25,000. This money is raised through major fundraising events, such as the Westfield Fun Run or Adult Social, and through a variety of other events, such as Book Fairs, Movie Nights, Winterfest, Square 1 Art, and Box Tops. We use the funds to run the events on the PTC Calendar as well as to provide assistance to the school for educational/enrichment programs or equipment, such as Disability Awareness Week. Any significant unbudgeted expenses that arise are approved by the Board by voting at a PTC meeting. All members are invited to propose purchases that directly benefit the children.
How can you get involved?
- Attend meetings. All parents and staff are invited to attend PTC meetings. At the meetings, you can learn about upcoming events and add your voice to the discussion.
- Volunteer your time. All PTC committees need volunteers to chair them or to spare an hour or two to work on a committee by just helping out at the actual event. There are many events that take place in the evening, and it is usually acceptable for well-behaved smaller children to accompany you.
- Stay updated. Read the PTC section of the Westfield Wildcat Weekly and join our Facebook page to keep abreast of upcoming events, fundraising activities or specific volunteer needs that arise during the school year.
What do the Committee Chairpersons do?
Organize all aspects of the event including:
- Coordinate with vendors, if needed.
- Work with volunteers to help run the event.
- Manage the event budget.
- Advertise the event.
- Attend the PTC meeting before and after the event to report on progress and to discuss any changes planned from prior years.
Don’t be nervous about volunteering to be a Committee Chair! The vast majority of our events have run like clockwork for years, and will give you tips, such as timelines and task lists. Plus, your kids will love it!
What do Committee Volunteers do?
This varies from event to event. Mostly this involves an hour or two of your time and its a great way to meet other Westfield families! Please contact the committee chairpersons or more information about an event. If you would like to volunteer, please contact us!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at westfieldptc@gmail.com.
We look forward to getting to know you!
Westfield PTC leadership
Kelly Scheffert & Nathalie Hanzel
Vice President
Cait Cosme
Chris Reavis
Danya Greschuk