- Community Consolidated School District 89
- Transportation information
Transportation information
Community Consolidated School District 89 uses First Student to run morning and afternoon bus routes for regular-education students.
To qualify for regular-education busing, a student must live more than 1-1/2 miles from the school or need to cross a state-approved hazardous crossing in order to get to school. If you have questions or concerns about regular education transportation, please contact your school principal.
Special education transportation is managed by Hopewell Transportation. For more information about special education busing, please contact the Student Services/Special Education Department.
Please read the CCSD 89 policy on Bus Conduct (Policy 7:220).
FirstView bus app
Many CCSD 89 families can track their students’ trips to and from school through a free busing app. Parents can download the FirstView app, which will give them access to real-time information about their student’s bus stops. Find out more at www.ccsd89.org/busapp
Administrative transfer policy
Some CCSD 89 students may be bused to a school outside their neighborhood to better match enrollment with school capacity.
Students living in a given school attendance area will normally be assigned to that school; however, within the administrative guidelines, the superintendent and Board reserve the right to transfer students to schools other than the one to which a child would normally be assigned. The assignment of schools outside of those normally used in determining a student’s school is detailed in Board Policy 7:30-R.
School bus safety
This Illinois State Board of Education pamphlet shares information that motorists should know to be safe around school buses.
Additionally, there are several Board of Education policies related to bus safety (including, but not limited to: 7:190 Student Behavior. Some of these policies are also summarized in the Student/Parent Handbook. All parents are encouraged to review these policies.