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District phone test is now complete
This morning, guardians of every CCSD 89 student should have received a test phone call from the district.
The test is now complete.
This test call was to ensure your child’s school has an accurate phone number for all families. The number that was called today is the number that would be called in the event of an emergency.
If you did receive a call from the district:
The district has accurate contact information for you. There is nothing else you need to do.
If you did not receive a phone call from the district:
The district may not have accurate contact information for you. Please contact your school secretary with updated information. Be sure to include your name, your student’s name, your student’s grade, and the correct phone number.
Arbor View jackerman@ccsd89.org (630) 469-5505
Briar Glen mbaillie@ccsd89.org (630) 545-3300
Glen Crest dscobee@ccsd89.org (630) 469-5220
Park View smullany@ccsd89.org (630) 858-1600
Westfield tcarter@ccsd89.org (630) 858-2770
Thank you for your help in ensuring we can reach all families in the event of an emergency.
Original message:
CCSD 89 will conduct the annual test of the district’s emergency phone contact system at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, October 11. Students will not be in school that day because of conferences. This test is designed to ensure that the district has accurate phone numbers for the families of all students.
On October 11, every guardian should receive a recorded voice message on the phone numbers registered with the district. This is the phone number that would be called in the event of an emergency, such as a weather-related closing. There is no need to respond to the phone message. However, if you do not receive the call by 10 a.m. Friday, October 11, contact your school secretary to ensure that the school has your correct information.
Posted: October 9, 2024