- Westfield Elementary School
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Eligible families can receive food assistance this summer
Starting this summer, Illinois is participating in “SUN Bucks” - a new federal nutrition program that provides cash for summer food to families with children eligible for free- or reduced-price school meals. SUN Bucks will provide $120 annually on an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card, which can be used to buy food.
Who is eligible?
Your child is eligible if they are identified as direct certified due to participation in SNAP, TANF, income-eligible Medicaid (185% of the federal poverty guideline), or is identified as foster, homeless, or migrant.
If your student is not already eligible for free- or reduced-priced meals, you can apply based on income.
How do you apply?
If your student is currently eligible for free or reduced-price meals:
You do not need to do anything to receive your SUN Bucks benefits.
If your student is currently NOT approved for free or reduced-price meals and you feel you may qualify based on income:
If you are not automatically enrolled and believe your family is eligible, you can apply to receive SUN Bucks by filling out a statewide application that will be available after the school year has ended. More details will be shared on this page once they are available.
How and when will eligible students receive their SUN Bucks benefits?
SUN Bucks benefits will either be applied to existing EBT cards or mailed to the student’s address on file with CCSD 89.
How can I get assistance with S-EBT questions?
More information: https://www.isbe.net/Documents/SummerEBT-fact-sheet-for-all-families.pdf
Contact the Illinois Department of Human Services at (800) 843-6154 or at https://www.dhs.state.il.us/
Receiving S-EBT will not affect children or families’ immigration status.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the agency (state or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
More information: https://www.isbe.net/Documents/SummerEBT-fact-sheet-for-all-families.pdf
Posted: May 13, 2024