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Students, families can join District 89 Day of Service on April 6
CCSD 89 students and their families are invited to participate in the inaugural District 89 Day of Service on Saturday, April 6, at Glen Crest Middle School. Students and adults will have the opportunity to make crafts and assemble care packages to benefit others.
Families can sign up to participate from 9 to 10 a.m. or 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on April 6 at Glen Crest Middle School, 725 Sheehan Avenue, Glen Ellyn. (Both sessions will include the same activities.)
Sign up at this link: https://forms.gle/eFXszNg6BwxEeWKj8 Space is limited to 200 CCSD 89 students and family members.
This is a free event that students and their families participate in together; this is not a drop-off event. This event is in collaboration with Inside Out Club and is generously supported by the Glen Ellyn Rotary Club.
Families can choose to participate in any of five service projects that will help students learn and practice kindness, empathy, and perseverance:
Creating hugs to go into a care package for service members
Making blankets for animals in shelters
Creating pet-food packages that can be distributed to seniors who receive “Meals on Wheels” deliveries
Making rainbow decorations that will be donated to seniors through Meals on Wheels
Learning what it means to be curious while creating a fun craft to take home
Guests are encouraged to wear clothes that can get paint or marker on them. Students who create the care packages for soldiers will also have the opportunity to participate in a mini “boot camp” where they will do jumping jacks and jog in place to simulate military training.
Donations needed to help seniors
Donations of dog or cat food are welcome for the Meals on Wheels animal-care kits. Some seniors share their food with pets when they can’t get food for their animals. The dog or cat food donated to Meals on Wheels helps the animals and the seniors.
Volunteers needed
You can show your child the power of volunteering by helping! Volunteers are needed to help direct families at the event, distribute supplies, and assist at stations. To volunteer, go to: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0845A4AA22A4FD0-48347927-ccsd
If you have questions or donations, contact Arbor View challenge teacher Morgan Aiello at maiello@ccsd89.org or (630) 469-5505.
Posted: March 7, 2024